Stipulation For Entry of Judgment

Stipulation For Entry of Judgment:  If you are attaching a Marital Settlement Agreement to your judgment of dissolution, you do not need to use a “Stipulation For Entry of Judgment” form and you can skip this paragraph.  However, if you are using a collection of Judicial Council forms for your judgment of dissolution, then you will also need a document that is signed by both parties that confirms you both agree to all the provisions set forth in all the Judicial Council forms that are being attached to the judgment.  There is no Judicial Council “Stipulation For Entry of Judgment” form.  Some counties have a local form you can use.  However, we have created a form you can use. Scroll down to see an example of both a completed and a blank version of the “Stipulation For Entry of Judgment” form.  This form is one of just a few “Word” documents contained in the forms database. Fill out this form.  Basically, you are filling out the name of your case, the case number, and then checking the different boxes for the various forms you intend to be part of your judgment of dissolution.  You will attach this “Stipulation For Entry of Judgment” to your FL-180 judgment of dissolution form.  When you and your spouse sign this form, your signatures must be notarized.  The court will not accept the form or the judgment if your signatures on this form are not notarized.


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